Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mexico vs Korea

Yes, my husband forced me to watch the "Mexico vs Korea" baseball game. I can handle Cubs vs. whoever, but MEXICO vs KOREA??!!! Come on!!! Thats comparable to me forcing him to watch a subtitled version of Gossip Girl! S'ok, though - I did get a chance to read a little more of "Handle With Care". Grumble, Grumble.

On a positive note - I have a Corned Beef in the slow cooker! It's gonna smell goooooood tonight! Happy St Patty's, everyone!


Linda B said...

"Baseball has been very good to me", hehe.

Cute. My husband likes the history channel so I feel like I'm in WWII all the time.

Anonymous said...

You should see the take on each other in an eating contest!

Anonymous said...

I just added your web page to my favorites. I like reading your posts. Thanks!