New packaging!!! Ahhh - I love it so much!!! What do you think? Etsy seller, and owner of UWIB,
Erin Keys just purchased this adorable Cosmo BookWorm, and she'll be the first to see the change in packaging (from no packaging to THIS - in one day!) Erin, this lil beauty will be arriving at your house soon! :)

OOOOOH looks fabulous! I cannot wait to get the little guy!
That's perfect! A great packaging -- it really fits it well and shows it off!!
Great idea...more brand recognition with specialized packaging!
You hearted my shop on Etsy and I found you and hearted you back. I love your bookwormz. Fantastic!! Your packaging will upgrade your product immediately :) Very nice.
Your packaging looks great! Keep up the awesome work. :)
It looks great! I love the little message on the back!
Awesome job between the banner and packaging hon! Your well on your way. (Hugs)Indigo
I'm loving all of the comments! Thank you so much for your feedback and support! :)
Hello! This is Insert Book Title. I checked out your blog and found this really cute bookmark (which I purchased). I loved your idea so much that I promoted it on my blog. I wanted to know if that was okay with you. If not...I will take it down.
Thank you!
That's so cool, makes it so much more professional too!
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